Únase a sus compañeros Latin FCB Ballers para una velada íntima de melodías y música latina suave para que se levante y baile. Estamos probando algo un poco diferente y vendiendo mesas limitadas que incluyen entrada y cubos de cerveza. No te preocupes, puedes comprar un boleto sin tener que comprar una mesa. También estamos limitando este programa a 21+ ¡Echa un vistazo a Mestizo en YouTube, reúne a algunos amigos o familiares y luego ven a experimentarlos EN VIVO!
Join fellow Latin FCB Ballers for an intimate evening of smooth Latin tunes and music to get you up and dancing. We're trying something a little different and selling limited tables which includes admission and buckets of beer. Don't worry you can just buy a ticket without having to buy a table. We are also limiting this show to 21+
Check out Mestizo on YouTube, grab some friends or family and then come experience them LIVE!
All sales are final.
All items are nonrefundable under any circumstances.
If this event allows ticket transfers, you can transfer tickets to someone else by going into your confirmation email > View & Manage Order > Edit Ticket Info / Transfer.
From there, you can change the name on the ticket & email it to the transferred person.