Seeing Stars by Steve Budd
Ever wish that someone you love would change overnight? Be careful what you wish for! At 31, Steve moves back in with his parents. He's always wished his father were different. Less distant. Less gruff. More alive. More engaged. Easier to connect with. Well…Steve is in for a surprise.
Based on a true story, “Seeing Stars” is a heartfelt and hilarious exploration of family dysfunction, mental illness, and a man's desire to connect with his dad.
May 10 and 11
Friday and Saturday at 7pm
Ticket Information:
Reserved Seats: $30.00
CCA Members: $25.00
All sales are final.
CCA has a no refund policy
If this event allows ticket transfers, you can transfer tickets to someone else by going into your confirmation email > View & Manage Order > Edit Ticket Info / Transfer.
From there, you can change the name on the ticket & email it to the transferred person.
All ages are welcome.
Please arrive up to 15 minutes prior to show time and enjoy the art galleries.